This House Supports academic streaming (education)
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Academic streaming is the process of grouping students of similar abilities into classes. For example, a student may be streamed into a basic, intermediate, or advanced maths class depending on their ability.
5 Gov wins
5 Opp wins
probably balanced
Round 2
This House Would pay stay-at-home mothers a salary (feminism)
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A stay-at-home mother is a mother who chooses not to seek formal employment and chooses to raise their children and manage the household.
7 Gov wins
3 Opp wins
imbalanced at 50% level
Round 3
This House Believes That internet anonymity does more harm than good (technology)
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Internet anonymity is the practice of not using one's real name and identity when interacting on the internet.
4 Gov wins
6 Opp wins
probably balanced
Round 4
THW revoke all government subsidized health benefits for individuals who choose to lead unhealthy lifestyles (health)
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An unhealthy lifestyle is a way of living that results in long term harms to one's health. E.g smoking, eatings fast food, and drinking excessive volumes of alcohol.
3 Gov wins
7 Opp wins
imbalanced at 50% level
Round 5
THP a world without a conception of the afterlife (philosophy)
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The afterlife is a concept in philosophy and religion that claims that individuals carry on living in one form or another after death. e.g Reincarnation, Heaven, and Hell.
5 Gov wins
5 Opp wins
probably balanced
TH welcomes the automation of labor (economics)
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The automation of labor is the trend of substituting technology for human labor to perform tasks and jobs that technology can reasonably carry out.
2 Gov wins
2 Opp wins
balance inconclusive
TH prefers a world without any government restrictions on international migration (international politics)
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Currently, governments use passport applications, visa applications, and immigration restrictions to control and limit the people moving into and out of countries.
2 Gov wins
0 Opp wins
balance inconclusive
Grand Final
TH Would allow employers to access, or request access to, the criminal records of job applicants (criminal justice)
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Currently, employers are allowed to access the criminal record of job applicants. This gives them access to knowledge of if an applicant has ever been convicted of a crime or imprisoned.