
EFL Finals

  • 1
    That it is in China's interests to abandon the CPEC project.
  • 2
    That we would discontinue the Jakarta capital city relocation project.
  • 3
    That the National Semiconductor Strategy is in the interests of Malaysia.
  • ESL Finals

  • 1
    That we regret the influence of the Filipino Catholic Church in the People Power Revolution.
  • 2
    That, in multireligious states, schools should teach integrated religious education instead of separated religious education.
  • 3
    That we regret self-denial in religion (e.g. celibacy, fasting, giving up material or sensory pleasures).
  • ESL Semifinals

  • 1
    That we support Microsoft’s investment into OpenAI.
  • 2
    That we support a requirement for US state medical boards to be made up of a majority of non-doctors.
  • 3
    That we prefer all human genome editing experiments to be approved by the WHO rather than domestic regulatory bodies.
  • Grand Final

  • 1
    That we oppose countries adopting ‘pull-back’ measures to respond to the influx of irregular migrants.
  • 2
    That we oppose Australia's 501 policy.
  • 3
    That the South Korean government should redirect resources currently used to help Koryo-in settle in their respective countries of residence, to efforts to resettle them in South Korea.
  • Semifinals

  • 1
    That we support Microsoft’s investment into OpenAI.
  • 2
    That we support a requirement for US state medical boards to be made up of a majority of non-doctors.
  • 3
    That we prefer all human genome editing experiments to be approved by the WHO rather than domestic regulatory bodies.
  • Quarterfinals

  • 1
    That Māori should pursue redress for colonisation through novel legal claims rather than through the Waitangi Tribunal.
  • 2
    That we support funding orders in class action litigation.
  • 3
    That we would not grant legal protections to the wishes of the dead.
  • Octofinals

  • 1
    That we support Indonesia's revision of their green investment rulebook.
  • 2
    That governments should enter into offtake agreements with emerging manufacturers of green energy technology.
  • 3
    That we support the proposed expansion of the public interest test.
  • Round 8

  • 1
    That, in states with a low fertility rate, we prefer policies with a familising effect rather than a de-familising effect.
  • 2
    That, in cities facing housing crises, we would remove all heritage protections in building codes.
  • 3
    That renters of public housing should be allowed to purchase that housing at a discounted rate.
  • Round 7

  • 1
    That the EU should give all legislative power to a single body.
  • 2
    That we oppose Ukraine expanding military operations into Sudan and Syria.
  • 3
    That we oppose the attempts of civil organisations in South Korea to inform North Korean citizens about their regime's wrongdoings (e.g. disseminating leaflets and ad balloons, smuggling USBs, transmitting cross-border radio waves).
  • Round 6

  • 1
    That we should ban personalised pricing.
  • 2
    That regulators should be granted divestiture powers.
  • 3
    That we should break up the three big chocolate traders.
  • Round 5

  • 1
    That we regret the rise of open-audition programs in the K-Pop industry.
  • 2
    That we regret the cooption of indigenous and minority languages, art and culture for fantasy and sci-fi worldbuilding.
  • 3
    That we oppose the portrayal of vengeance in media as morally justified (e.g. John Wick, Kill Bill, Taken).
  • Round 4

  • 1
    That the Philippines should disallow split-ticket voting.
  • 2
    That military leaders should be directly elected by citizens.
  • 3
    That in the aftermath of the repeal of Section 377A, the LGBTQ+ movement in Singapore should actively prioritise fighting for reforms that impact the Trans community, at the exclusion of fighting for gay marriage.
  • Round 3

  • 1
    That China should require shadow banks to obtain formal bank licenses in order to continue operating.
  • 2
    That we oppose risk retention requirements.
  • 3
    That the US should abolish state by state incorporation and have businesses incorporated at the federal level.
  • Round 2

  • 1
    That we oppose the establishment of "prohibited art" museums.
  • 2
    That artists should always refuse requests to do unpaid work.
  • 3
    That, as an artist, we would prioritise making our art comprehensible to audiences, at the expense of authentic self-expression.
  • Round 1

  • 1
    That sports clubs should adopt a blanket 'no fault stand-down' policy.
  • 2
    That, as a reigning F2 champion with no promised F1 seat, we would choose to race in a different series over taking a F1 reserve seat.
  • 3
    That we oppose the use of video refereeing to make on-field decisions.